Thursday, November 21, 2013

October Wrap Up

In which I'll talk (or type) about books that I've read in the month of October 2013. I'll be posting this in monthly basis as a recap of what I've been reading in a month.

I know it's already late November, but well, better late than never. Hehe ;P

I keep track of my reading progress on Goodreads, and I'm quite surprised at the amount of books I finished reading last month. I'm a slow reader; I normally spent about a week for a book (of 400+ pages). So, yay me! 

Alrighty, on to the books:

Physical books:
1) Harut Dan Marut by Saad Ismail Syalabiy | Review
2) Ashes (Ashes Trilogy #1) by Ilsa J. Bick | Review
3) Bob No Ordinary Cat by James Bowen | Review
4) Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion | Review
6) My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick | Review


7) Shadows (Ashes Trilogy #2) by Ilsa J. Bick | Review

And, that's it, 7 books altogether for October. I've written a short review for each book. I'll post them up later. It's way past my bed time and I need to wake up early tomorrow.
See ya.

May peace be upon you :)